GASPA Partner Information
Fee: $750
Vendor receives:
- Exhibit Table
- Introduction of company name and representative name at the conference
- Excel sheet listing of attendees with registrant email and postal mail addresses
- Listing in the conference program
- Company contact information distributed to attendees
- Reception on the opening evening, breakfast, breaks and luncheon on day of exhibits for up to two representatives
Purchased advertising space in one conference program is available for institutions and companies desiring to show support for GASPA with or without attending the conference.
Full Page Ad (5½ X 8½) | $350 |
Half Page Ad (5½ X 4¼) | $250 |
GASPA Partnership/Sponsor Opportunities
Partnerships/ sponsorships play a key role in enabling the Georgia Association of School Personnel Administrators (GASPA) to meet the needs of its members and in turn provide greater visibility for institutions and companies before the membership.
Institutions and companies have the opportunity to participate in corporate social investing with GASPA as partners, sponsors, friends, or advertisers. In appreciation of such support of the association, institutions and companies receive various benefits depending on the level chosen. Listed below are the various levels of participation, including fees, requirements and benefits:
All representatives are invited to attend the opening evening reception as well as breakfast, breaks and luncheon on the day of exhibits. The first two representatives are covered in the fees listed. Each additional representative will cost an additional $100.
The Platinum Partner is the highest level of sponsorship at a GASPA conference. Such sponsor typically may cover the expense of a high-value keynote speaker or special event (i.e. seated dinner with speaker and appropriate entertainment) or could contribute to the total cost of the conference. Only one Platinum Partner per conference will be arranged prior to the conference registration to facilitate conference planning.
Fee: $750 Registration Fee PLUS $5,000 to $10,000 Sponsorship Fee per conference to typically cover all costs of a keynote speaker and associated expenses or contribute to the total cost of the conference.
Platinum Partner receives:
- Opportunity to be introduced and to speak for 3-5 minutes at the event
- Option to hand out written information at the conference.
- Opportunity to present a pre-conference session promoting research or a best practice application (Not a sales presentation) if arranged prior to the opening of on-line registration for the conference.
- Partner Ad with link for one year on the GASPA website
- Excel sheet listing of attendees with registrant email addresses
- Full page ad (5½ X 8½) in the conference program
- Listing in the conference program and on GASPA website
- Company contact information distributed to attendees
- Power Point Ad Display and Signage posted at entrance of event
- Reserved Exhibitor Table
The Sapphire Partner can serve as a full sponsor or co-sponsor of a named event (Reception, Luncheon etc.) or contribute to the total cost of the conference. Such sponsor may share the cost with another co-sponsor if a special event is identified.
Fee: $ 750 Exhibit Fee PLUS $3,000-$5000 Sponsorship Fee.
Sapphire Partner receives:
- Opportunity to be introduced and to speak for1- 2 minutes at the event
- Partner Ad with link for 12 months on the GASPA website
- Excel sheet listing of attendees with registrant email and postal mail addresses
- Full page ad (5½ X 8¼) in the conference program
- Power Point Ad Display and Signage posted at entrance of event
- Listing in the conference program and on GASPA website
- Company contact information distributed to attendees
- Reserved Exhibitor Table
The Diamond Partner may serve as a co-sponsor of a named event (Reception, Luncheon etc.) or contribute to the total cost of the conference. Multiple Diamond Partners may be allowed to co-sponsor the same event if identified at the conference.
Fee: $750 Exhibit Fee PLUS $2,000 Sponsorship Fee per event
Diamond Partner receives:
- Opportunity to be introduced and speak for 1-2 minutes at the special event
- Recognition as a Diamond Partner with link for six months on the GASPA website
- Excel sheet listing of attendees with registrant email and postal mail addresses
- Half page ad (5 ½ X 4 ¼ ) in the conference program
- Power Point ad display and Signage posted at entrance of event
- Listing in the conference program and on GASPA website
- Company contact information distributed to attendees
- Reserved Exhibitor Table
The Gold Partner may serve as a co-sponsor for a named event (Continental Breakfast , Refreshment Break etc.) or contribute to the total cost of the conference. Multiple Gold Partners may be allowed to co-sponsor the same event if identified at the conference.
Fee: $750 Exhibit Fee PLUS $1500 Sponsorship Fee per event
Gold Partner receives:
- Opportunity to be introduced and speak for 1 minute during the special event
- Recognition as a Sponsor for six months on the GASPA website
- Power Point ad display and Signage posted at entrance of Event
- Excel sheet listing of attendees with registrant email and postal mail addresses
- Listing in the conference program
- Company contact information distributed to attendees
- Reserved Exhibitor Table
The Silver Partner may serve as a co-sponsor for a named event (Continental Breakfast , Refreshment Break etc.) or contribute to the total cost of the conference. Multiple Silver Partners may be allowed to co-sponsor the same event if identified at the conference.
Fee: $750 Exhibit Fee PLUS $1000 Sponsorship Fee per event
Silver Partner receives:
- Opportunity to be introduced and speak for 1 minute during the special event
- Recognition as a Sponsor for six months on the GASPA website
- Power Point ad display and Signage posted at entrance of Event
- Excel sheet listing of attendees with registrant email and postal mail addresses
- Listing in the conference program
- Company contact information distributed to attendees
- Reserved Exhibitor Table
The Bronze Partner may serve as a co- sponsor for a refreshment break, special awards, or for special advertising such as name badges or contribute to the total cost of the conference. Multiple Bronze Partners may be allowed to sponsor the same event or special purchases/advertising at the conference.
Fee: $750 Exhibit Fee PLUS $500 Sponsorship Fee per event
Bronze Partner receives:
- Recognition as a sponsor for six months on the GASPA website
- Opportunity to be introduced and speak for 1 minute during the special event
- Power Point ad display and Signage posted at the entrance of event
- Excel sheet listing of attendees with registrant email and postal mail addresses
- Listing in the conference program
- Company contact information distributed to attendees
- Reserved Exhibitor Table