GASPA Executive Board Member Responsibilities
- Provide leadership for the Association and serve as a member of the Executive Board and represent GASPA with all official business of the association
- Represent GASPA on the GAEL Executive Board
- Attend 4 GAEL Executive Board meetings during the year: Fall Bootstrap, Winter GAEL, Spring Bootstrap, and Summer GAEL
- Consider rotation as President Elect/President on the GAEL board when required
- Provide leadership to the development of the GASPA Strategic Plan, including but not limited to the following actions
- Supporting the Executive Director in forming a strategic planning committee by Oct 1 of the year prior to the year in which a new strategic plan will be needed (i.e. Oct 1, 2016 for plan beginning July 1, 2017 and running through June 30, 2022)
- Monitoring implementation of the strategic plan; assist with and provide an update to the Executive Board each year at its regular meetings
- Set goals for the year when serving as president (prior to the fall conference of year serving)
- Preside over/conduct all Executive Board and General Business meetings
- Provide necessary reports and information needed to conduct the business of the association and assist the Executive Director in preparing agendas for both meetings
- Provide words of welcome and determine strategy for introducing presenters at all conferences
- Provide support to and assist the Executive Director in planning Fall and Spring conferences
- Perform other responsibilities in support of the association as needed
President- Elect
- Serve as a member of the Executive Board
- Serve in the absence of the President or represent the association as needed
- Represent GASPA on the GAEL Executive Board
- Attend 4 GAEL Executive Board meetings during the year: Fall Bootstrap, Winter GAEL, Spring Bootstrap and Summer GAEL.
- Provide leadership to and coordinate the election of GASPA officers by
- Serving as chairperson of the nominating committee, once it is selected and affirmed by the Executive Board at the Fall conference;
- Soliciting candidate names for consideration and providing guidance to the nominating committee in carrying out an objective selection process; contacting all current board members for continued service and
- Reporting the recommendations of the nominating committee to the Executive Board not later than March 1. Board makes final decision for nominations with one individual for each required position to be contacted at a time to determine if they are interested in being nominated. Final list of confirmed candidates reported back to the executive board for approval by the membership at the spring conference.
- Provide leadership to the selection and recommendation of members for GASPA and GAEL awards by
- Assisting the Executive Director in determining eligible and appropriate candidates
- Reviewing and soliciting recommendations from the Executive Board and general membership for the GASPA Distinguished Service Award, GAEL Fulbright Award, GAEL Jim Puckett Award, GAEL Membership Service Award and other awards that may become available.
- Assisting the Executive Director in the appointment of a chairperson and committee for the Best in Class Awards.
- Perform other responsibilities in support of the association as requested by the President
Past President
- Serve as a member of the Executive Board
- Serve as program chair for the Fall and Spring conferences
- Assist and work collaboratively with the Executive Director in planning the conference and soliciting and arranging for speakers and presenters.
- Assist the Executive Director in soliciting conference topics and presenter recommendations from the GASPA Regional Directors and general membership.
- Chair the conference program committee (if one will be utilized for each conference)
- Perform other responsibilities in support of the association as requested by the President
- Serve as a member of the Executive Board
- Prepare all checks for GASPA expenses as directed by the Executive Board or Executive Director
- Keep abreast of all financial transactions and the fiscal capacity of the association
- Assist the Executive Director in preparing the Treasurer’s Report for each conference
- Present the Treasurer’s report at Executive Board and General Business meetings
- Oversee the preparation of tax documents and assist CPA in requests for information
- Perform other responsibilities in support of the association as requested by the President
- Serve as a member of the Executive Board
- Actively and regularly participate in Executive Board and General Business meetings
- Ensure that accurate minutes of Executive Board and General Business meetings are taken and approved
- Maintain fully executed final copies of all approved minutes and provide fully executive copies of all minutes to the Executive Director for dissemination to the Executive Board, membership and other appropriate parties
- Assist the Executive Director in managing general correspondence to and from the association and advise appropriate parties of communications as needed
- Possess sufficient knowledge and familiarity with legal and professional requirements (Open Records/Open Meetings)
- Serve/provide leadership on committees of the association as requested by the President
- Preside over meetings as requested, in the absence of the President, President-Elect or Past President
- Perform other responsibilities in support of the association as requested by the President
Legislative Liaison
- Serve as a member of the Executive Board
- Solicit input from the Executive Board and general membership for the development of GASPA Legislative Priorities; prepare bulletin/flyer of the GASPA Legislative Priorities for approval by the Executive Board, association membership, for distribution and other purposes as needed
- Submit GASPA Legislative Priorities to GAEL for inclusion with the GAEL Legislative Report
- Represent GASPA at Gold Dome meetings when possible; report information from these meetings to the Executive Board when needed
- Attend Legislative meetings/events during the General Assembly or at other times as requested by the GAEL Executive Director
- Prepare a Legislative Summary Report of Legislation; present an overview of important legislation impacting personnel, funding, etc. at the Spring conference
- Perform other responsibilities in support of the association as requested by the President
Business Partner Liaison
- Serve as a member of the Executive Board
- Assist the GASPA Executive Director in identifying new vendors for serving as GASPA business partners and exhibiting at Fall and Spring conferences
- Serve as the GASPA Ambassador for building standing relationships with all business partners
- Solicit sponsorships from business partners to support special events, conference expense and operational costs of the association
- Perform other responsibilities in support of the association as requested by the President
Ex-official Board Members
- Serve as a member of the Executive Board without voting power.
- Designated for service when appointed as an officer on the GAEL Executive Board
- Provide communication and GAEL updates for the GASPA Executive Board